What is heard?: Spawn movie 2025

Igor Friday, October 27, 2023 12:48 PM
What is heard?: Spawn movie 2025

Hello, my friends! I just stumbled upon some exciting information about the upcoming superhero movie. I'm not sure if some of you are familiar with Spawn—a cool-looking character from hell with green lights and a costume resembling Venom's symbiote. Yes, this guy is making a return to cinema screens. There was a film back in 1997 by New Line Cinema, but in those old and wild times, people weren't accustomed to watching characters in tights. Nowadays, this genre of films is very popular, so a remake could be interesting and massive if done right. Let's take a sneak peek at the upcoming movie.

Executive producer of Blumhouse Productions, Jason Blum, mentioned that the movie won't be ready before 2025. The screenwriter is still working on a strict plot, and the development process is in its early stages.

"I can say that we are working really hard, and I hope that by 2025, you will possibly see the movie worldwide. We have a talented team of screenwriters with a lot of brilliant ideas. Just be patient, support us, and look out for any updates," said Jason Blum.

The main role will be played by Jamie Foxx, known for his roles in Django Unchained, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Project Power.

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