Does Evil Within overcomes Resident Evil?

Igor Wednesday, September 11, 2024 9:55 AM
Does Evil Within overcomes Resident Evil?

Hello barin maniac lovers

You all probobly know famouse and I could say legedary game fransise - Resident Evil, the game where differnt viruses and mutations put our world in danger of distruction and extintion of human race. One of the bes survavour horrors of this century, crated by mind of maestro Shinji Mikami. Without any doubts these games are brilliant but what if say that in mypersonal oponion we have ona game which sstands on the same level or even higher then original? Yeah you are right today we will speak about The Evil Within, game that changed my attituted to survavour horrors and pull me inside with brutal strength. Be ready to discuver most dark and evil corners of your mind. We are starting our trip.

Sad story about one sadistic genious

Many people can say that this story is about detective Sebastian Castellanos, main hero and character who's shoes we will try on ourselvs. Without any doubts he is unseperatly linked to another main character - Ruben Victoriano. Without any doubts I can say that this game is his story and we are just a witness person who get involed without his agreement. 

This stroy is shown us from eyes of detective. He and his assintances - detective Joseph Oda and Juli Kidman. They received a police call to the crime scene in Beacon Mental Hospital. Inside the building they find only dead bodies exept one doctor - Marcelo Jimenez. On video camera screens Castellanos saw some mysterious man in white clothes who saddenly appearce behid detective and cut him with medical syringe. After that nightmanre begins. 

You quite fast understand that something what is going around can not be real. Detective find himself in hospital basement where huge, agressive and degenreouse degenerat with chainsaw truies to cut Sebastian in peaces. Escaping the hospital Castellanos for a short time united with his crew and we introdued to second survuvour from Beacon Hospital - Leslie Withers. In a short peroiud of time mysterious figure one againe separeted heroes and leave detective by his own. Castellanos travel around some forgotten settlemnet, old abandond hospital, chaimbers under cursed church, old mansion and finally raeched Crimson city. When you start playing the game you have no idea why Sebastian make this unreal tripls from one location to another and how they are linked. For me that was illogical but I was wrong.

Throw his travleng detective must confront evil, unnatural and discusting creatures. One of the most sceraest was six arm spider looking woman whos scream full of pain chaice me in dreams. Detective firsly tries to find some logical xplanation for surrounding madness but with every discovered fact he undersatand that he lives throw someone else memories and someo else pain. 

Ruben Victoriano - the central character of this world. Yeah this is world indside one united mind - mind of Ruvik. All characters are united togeher in uniq machine called - STEM. Thismachine was created by young but perspectiv scientist Ruben from reach and respected family. Nothing promissed to go wrong but one day he and his beloved sister were burned alive in barn. Local farmers refuse to sell thier land and desided to teach reach a leason. Laura sacrifice her life and saved younger brother. Father wasn't happy about the acident and placed his son in basement. Somehow young and highly burned Ruben escaped, killed his parents and make everything look like a car accident. After that he left alone with all money and power his family has. He was abssesd with idea to see his sister againe becasue she didin't die. She lives in his own mind and that why he has an idea to create a machine to unite different consciousness to exschaege feelings directtly without any any borders. With this technology Ruvik want to come back to his own memories and live in other reality with his family andmo st iportant his sister. 

Unfortunatly his expecriments were to far cruel. Marcelo provide him with material but at the same time he connected with Mobius, secret organisation who as I understand planed to controll all world with STEM technology. Since Ruvik alone knows how to colegrate the machine he make it working only with his brain as a core what doesn't stop Mobius agent to capture him, kill and extract his bbrain to administrate the STEM. When I find out this I feel different emotions: anger, pity, misundersatnding. But still Ruben was alive, as a procetion of his own consciousness and he could influence on the events in STEM: That is why Sebastian saw differnt locations and monsters - they were distorted memories of core - Ruvik. Since his brain was extracted viokletly everything looks dark, bloody and full of unmeserable pain. Spider lookin monster was Laura - cahngeed version of beloved sister. Everything in Ruvik's head cahnged to a dark side and the only stable place what left was a Beacon Hospital at the top of the ruining city. The point of the connectin between STEm and the real world.

But what Ruben really wanted? Quite simple. He want escape. How? he has no body. He was more dead then alive. But Ruvik has a plan. Mad boy called - Leslie Withers. He was the only person who's mid could be connected to Ruvik's. In simple worlds Ruben's plan was simple. make Mobius link Leslie to STEM and then capture his body by erasing his identoty and mind. Despite the fact that finally Castellanos could overcome all challaenges and beat Ruvik, escape STEM and awake in real Beacon Hospital after Mobius experement and walk out the building he saw a figure of Withers, walking between policeman. That mean that Ruben plan of escaping his prison was succesful. 

Well that was strong step from authors to save such intersting character like Ruben and proboly make an intersting sequel with is presence. But I really was pleased that h somehow managed to change his consciousness and leave. 

The story of Sebastian Castellanos

Considering that Evil Within is all about Ruben we have a personal dramma of our character - Sebastian. Sometimes he could teleport to some called safe zone. I think his consciousness has created closed world inside Rubik world. With time we see more and more distructions inside this place what mean that Ruben influence grows. Throw the diaries we investigate that detective has a wife Myra who was also a detective in same police office and daughter Lilly. Sebastian was a happy  man untile his daughter didn't burn in tragic house fire. in a short peroiude of time Myra also left her husbband trying to find who was guilty in this accident. I was quite suprised when she appearce for several secodns in room with real STEM machine. She was part of Mobius. Kidman who was also part of the Mobius crew make everyone think that Castellanos died like all other partisipents of the experiment. 

After loosing daughter and wife Sebastian tires to find them himslef. With all this hard times he got problems with alcohol and his methods become more cruel and sadistic. He was absessed with idea to figure out who was resposible for ruining his life. We also get peaces of the pazzle in so called safe demention of his own. It looks like a ordinary hospital department with heavy iron ward doors. Ordinary when we use mirror to go to safe place detective find himslef in his ward. He is not alone in this safe place. Mysteriouse nurse are always here to give advice or suddenly get behind our character to make a question. In nearest room we have newspaper shelf where time to time we can read about different events in crimson city: murderes, missing persons or unexplained episodes. On the other wall is stand where we can read about differnt missingpersons. Most of the time we came across with this posters when someone dies or we find some notions about this preson. Most of them are connected with Ruvik and were killed by him in real world before he was placed in STEM. Peace by peace detective put whole picture togeter and he realisse tha t everything is only in Ruvik's head and everything he saw was his memories or evil thoughts. 

Authors makes a uniq method of storitelling when on the first plan is placed Sebastian who honestly is a secodary chracter for this place and main is hidden on the backside and we are opening this story step by step to creat whole picture in the end of the game. That wa intreguing, captive and unexpecting for me.

What is gameplay of Evil Within

The Evil Within is a child of Resident Evil author so thier gameplay are quite similar. You have third person vision camera, you can fight for your life, investigate locations and find secrets, make a disiotions how better use your resourses: ammo, healing. and green gel. If your resorce menegment and desisions are poor you will suffer but honestly I find ways to collect pretty good amounts of ammo and gel to make my cheracter unstopable. Quite important is collecting key which are hidden all over location and open special safes in your safe place. They will provide you with huge amount of extra ammo and green gel. 

What is the green gel. Well I can say this is some kind of a brain liquid, Since we are in Ruvik head there is no lack of this gel over the place. it could be found in jars, collected from killed enemies or hidden is safe in your pocket demention. On a creepy chiar with palnty of nails and looking like  turtuire instrument you can improve you character's characterstics like health points, time of sprint; improve weapons: ammo capasity, damamged, critical cahnce or increase amount of differnt staff  you may carry. It is raelly paniful when you can not take some found items with you. 

Fight for your life

Since Ruvik's head is quite dangerous place Sebastain should fight for his life. We will came across with regular zombie liked people, differnt mutants or bosses. Since this is not game about viruses or genecal mutants , most of the enemies are regular humas who were effected by Ruvik's will, lost thier ideantety and become his slaves. Most of them carring different medevil medical holding devices or braided with barbed wire. These are signs of Ruben influence. Sometimes you will face some monsters which were burned in depth or Ruvik head, creppy creatures which are hard to descibe. 

Resident Evil were always famous for thier bosses. In this game we will fight them as well. Most memerable are Sadist - massive about 2,5 meter craqzy man with chiansaw; Laura - Ruvik's sister who fears fire and presented here like spider like creppy lady; Cemetry watchdog - pure mutant with tvo heads, was hold under the church with two twin brothers who also were affected by some medical drug that make them grow withuout any control and monster created from  Ruvik's subconscious will not let you be calm, guant aniaml consisting of dusens of human bodies. 

Fighting regular enemies is qite intrwesting process. You have a lot of different ways to kill you opoennts: stelth, gunfight or enviromantal kills. You may use you imagiantion and tachcs to safe resources and killenemies in most effective ways. unfortunatly bosses are totally scripted. I have feeling that developers had idea how make bosses not only good looking but also intersting to kill so they gave most of them ability to one shot Castellanos. You can not simple use your weapons to kill ennemy. Probobly you can but this will cost you all you ammunition. Mosto f the bosses are killing with direct scripts. Laura should be burned with torcehs, barrols and different fire cunstruction. Beast on the underground parking, who should be one of th most serouiuse oppoents make me think a little bit how to kill him but eventully I used 4 sniper bullets, 3 pistol bullet and one harpoon to kill this monster. This is redeculusly booring and don't you think createvly becaue on the secodn stage boss simple one shot you if get near by and trust me he moves pretty fast. Ofcouse we have several calssic bosses, where you nneed just to shoot them in head but you will came across with them at the very beginnig. 


Game provide player with rich variety of different weapons. 

Colt - your first gun to fight back evil forces. Simple but deadly if you use it correctly, shooting into head will casue fatal damamge killing mosnter with one bullet. Highly recommend critical cahnce take on maximum level fist.

Shotgun - in my opoinion most common and booring weapon. No special leveling upgrades. Recommended critical hit chance and weapon damage.

Sniper rifle - good one shot instrument with big damage. Good for killing bosses or monsters with high health points level. Damge and critical damamg reccomended.

Magnum - powerful revolver with high damage and low ammo capasity. Save for fat monsters or bosses. Increase damage is reccomended

Agony crossbow - provide you with great veraity of different bolt: electrical, flash, fire, explosive, cryobolt and common bolt. Electrical, cryo and flash can be used for crowd control. Not really neadoed to imrove using green gel. Explosive bolt should be leveled to maaximum level and regular bolt is most overpowered bolt in game. Leveling is pretty expecsive, last level will cost you 50000 of gren gel but it will provide you with superiror damage combined with fire dot effect. powerful thing against any enemy you wil faced.

Character improvments

Collection green gel will allow youto make Castellanos more atheltuc, durable and deadly. You can increase your health point what is not too critical if you may dodge damamge from enenmies. Stamina is critical to be leveled first becasue in basic it allow you 4 seeconds of is extrimly short time so I reccomend take atleast three points of stamina on early stage and try to max it in a short time. Healing with syringe is not so important but you may put one two points in this category. Melee combat is totally usless don't spend gel on it. 

Ammo capasity is quite important to be take atlest several times for every weapon. If you are plating with finding every secret place and collectiing safe keys you will need deep pocets to carrying your stuff. 

The Evil within number one in Mikami games?

After long discussin with museft I can say it is not the best game but could be called one of them. You will see a great story with lots of dramma, intrugue, secrets and uexpecting turning point. Every level is cerated with high atioens to details and could not be called copypasted. Every location will meat you with unique envioremnt like village, abadone undeground cahimbers or Vitorriano fammily mansion. We will see a brilliant story with open ending. What better could it be right?

Battles in Evil WIthing are mostly give you field for improvisation and make youe battles differnt and sometimes extreaml dangerous. But bossfights a little bit disspaointment becasue mosto f the a re simply scripted and if you a re managed to understand script's work you will have no treoubles to evercome any boss in this game. 

Considering game was released in 2014 it hasn't had a modernh graphics but still has unique pretty style with great games of sahdows and light, flying particles, ralistic blood and damamge collisons of mosnters and main hero as well. So I can say that visually game still looks very nice and you will hardly say that this is something that was crated 10 years ago. 

Overall I would like to reccomend this masterpeace to every survouvor horror and sycodelic thriller lovers. You will not be dissapointed and this will proboobly break your brean in peaces and find some Evil inside of you =) That is all for today, thank you for your time and see ypunext time. 


Scientist with pity and cruel fate - Ruvik.

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