SmackDown 19.01.2024

Igor Thursday, May 9, 2024 12:11 PM
SmackDown 19.01.2024

Finally, the Radiant Team is come back in Atlanta, Georgia! Sounds like an exciting lineup for tonight's show! Contract signings are always filled with tension, especially for high-stakes matches like the Fatal Four for the WWE Championship. Kevin Owens inviting Logan Paul to his show adds an intriguing dynamic, and I'm curious to see how that unfolds. And of course, title defenses for the women's tag team championships promise some thrilling action. Here's to hoping for some unexpected surprises along the way. Let's dive in and enjoy the show!

Contract signinig without champion?

What an intense opening segment! Nick Aldis setting up the contract signing for the Fatal Four match brought some high tension to the ring. With AJ Styles, LA Knight, and Randy Orton already present, the absence of Roman Reigns raised some eyebrows. Instead, Paul Heyman stepped in, causing quite a stir by suggesting a triple threat for the vacant championship title.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 1SmackDown 19.01.2024: Paul tries to convince Nick that fatal four match is a bad idea. 

Paul's attempt to persuade Nick didn't sit well with AJ and LA, leading to a heated argument between them. But it was Randy Orton who stole the spotlight with his calm but ominous warning to Heyman. His mention of Solo in his plans and the threat of the RKO for Reigns added an intriguing twist to the mix. Heyman's expression said it all – he might have underestimated the Viper's cunning. It'll be interesting to see how the Bloodline reacts to Orton's bold statement in the main event.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 2SmackDown 19.01.2024: Long awaited brawl between AJ and LA.

AJ and LA will face tonight

In an effort to calm the tensions brewing from the contract signing, Nick Aldis made a decisive move by scheduling a match between LA Knight and AJ Styles later in the evening on his show.

Legado conquered LWO once again

If last week's loss was due to Carlito's interference, tonight he decides that a 3-on-3 match would fare better for his allies. LWO also has Zelina's support, but honestly, it won't influence anything. If it's a fair fight, LWO will win easily, but Lega are masters of dirty tricks and tactics. In the final moments, we saw a great superkick party and a hidden tag from Santos. Carlito was certain that Humberto was the legal man and delivered a Backstabber, allowing Escobar to secure a dirty roll-up. With a 2-0 lead, Legado has taken the upper hand in this confrontation. What else could LWO propose to change the situation?

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 3SmackDown 19.01.2024: Just a beautiful footage of Zelina Vega. 

Butch is dead, long live Pete Danne!

The return of Pete Dunne brought a renewed aggression and intensity to the ring, as he reclaimed his original name after two years. Teaming up with the upbeat Tyler Bate, their contrasting styles surprisingly complement each other, forming a harmonious duo. With both wrestlers hailing from the NXT UK circuit and sharing a similar British wrestling style, their tag team chemistry is exceptional. Tyler Bate, known as the "Big Strong Boy," showcases his powerhouse abilities and unique moveset, while Pete Dunne adopts a technical and sadistic approach, dismantling opponents with precision.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 4SmackDown 19.01.2024: Big Strong Boy Tyler Bate.

Facing Pretty Deadly once again, it became evident that despite their strength, Elton and Kit couldn't match the prowess of Bate and Dunne. Although Pretty Deadly attempted to isolate Bate from his partner, the match quickly ended with Dunne executing his signature move, the Bitter End, securing the victory. With their unwavering confidence and formidable teamwork, it's only a matter of time before Bate and Dunne ascend to claim the tag team titles.

KO show goes off air

Kevin Owens had a special guest on his show tonight - his upcoming opponent for the Royal Rumble, Logan Paul. Logan, disliked by many including myself, indulged in his usual self-praise about his wealth and status, but Kevin made a valid point - Logan is not a true wrestler, and his entry into WWE was facilitated by the company. During their exchange, Logan brought up their WrestleMania encounter three years ago, where Kevin delivered a stunner to him, claiming it propelled Logan into WWE. He boasted that he could knock out Kevin with a single punch and criticized Kevin's use of a protective hand pad, insinuating it gave him an unfair advantage. Seizing the opportunity,

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 5SmackDown 19.01.2024: One Lucky Punch by Logan Paul.

Logan struck Kevin with what he called his "Lucky Punch," believing it would end his opponent. However, to Logan's surprise, Kevin quickly rose to his feet and fought back. It seemed like the end for the champion, but unfortunately, Logan managed to injure Kevin's hand by slamming it against the ring post. It remains intriguing to see how their title match at the Royal Rumble will unfold, but I anticipate Logan will exploit Kevin's injury to his advantage.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 6SmackDown 19.01.2024: Kevin after clash with Logan. 

Roman Reigns is dissapointed

In the Bloodline locker room, Roman seethes with anger over Randy's actions. He's perplexed as to how Solo and Jimmy allowed such disrespect to occur, emphasizing that Bloodline has only one Wise Man. Solo steps forward, determined to rectify the situation with Randy later tonight.

Women tag team titles defence 

It does seem quite sudden that Unholy Union would be granted a title opportunity tonight, especially given their recent actions on NXT and their attack on the Kabuki Warriors. It's unclear how they managed to secure this opportunity, but let's see what they bring to the table. With Damage CTRL watching from ringside, Unholy Union started the match with a fast and impressive offense. However, their plan for a quick victory didn't pan out, and they ultimately lost.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 7SmackDown 19.01.2024: Unholy Union. 

Fyre was neutralized with a devastating Canadian Destroyer by Katana Chance, and Dawn was thrown out of the ring. The beautiful tag team finishing move executed by Kayden and Katana put and end to this match. Kabuki Warriors got to the ring and grab titles for while, sending a clear message to the champions that they are next in line. As for why Kabuki Warriors didn't seek revenge for their loss to Unholy Union on SmackDown Revolution, perhaps they are solely focused on retaining their championship and not dwelling on past losses.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 8SmackDown 19.01.2024: Kabuki warriors claim their right to challenge champions.

The Final Testament called out All Mighty

Karrion Kross has issued a video response to Bobby Lashley, setting a time and place for their face-to-face confrontation: next week. Karrion and his entourage exude an aura of danger and power, leaving an impression of formidable adversaries. Their presence promises to add an electrifying intensity to SmackDown, and I'm eager to see what unfolds.

Carmelo and Austin one more time?

Backstage, Melo gave an interview about his match with Austin last week, expressing regret over his injury. Moments later, Theory and Greyson appeared, and Austin adopted a cocky attitude. Hayes had no problem facing Austin again, but Theory immediately started thinking up different excuses to avoid a rematch next week. Fortunately, it's great to have a true friend like Waller, who reminded both Melo and their opponent that next week, Austin is actually available to compete. That answer satisfied Hayes, so next week, we'll see these wrestlers face off once again.

Styles vs Knight and Samoan Spike

As Nick promised earlier today, these two fiery superstars will settle their problems in the ring. So many words were said, excuses found, and jokes exchanged, so it was the only option for these two. I think they could beat the crap out of each other so hard that they might not make it to the Royal Rumble or be at 100% for that match. I have no idea why Solo and Jimmy got involved in a match where Roman's opponents tried to destroy each other. I think Sekoa has a quite strange understanding of what it means to solve or correct a problem. Anyway, the match was spoiled. Tyler and Knight beat up on each other, and Solo called out Randy Orton.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 9SmackDown 19.01.2024: Phenomenal One meets Megastar in one on one match.

The Viper's day

After a good warm-up on Styles and Megastar, Solo gained a slight advantage over Randy. A vicious attack gave him time to keep Randy down. But as we know, and you probably do too, Orton is not a speedy wrestler. He needs some time to get into his groove. This change of pace happened outside the ring near his favorite commentary table. After a perfectly executed back body drop onto this table, the Viper started his hunt. Randy was ready to end Solo with an RKO, but his little brother Jimmy came to the ring. Obviously, he wasn't the only one who did that. LA Knight ran out too and tried to kick Uso's butt. Unsuccessful. AJ was more lucky and sent Jimmy to a knockout.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 10SmackDown 19.01.2024: RKO to Solo Sikoa.

Solo tried to use this situation to his advantage but got hit with an RKO out of nowhere and Randy Orton pinned him for the victory. After the match, both Knight and the Phenomenal One got into the ring to continue their quarrel and disputes. That made Randy sick and tired, so two more RKOs found their targets. And now your Tribal Chief took the perfect time to strike. A Superman punch from behind. With a very confident smile on his face, he took the contract from Nick Aldis and signed up. This night could have ended with a powerful spear on Orton. Unfortunately, Randy has known Reigns for too long, and he was able to counter the spear with an RKO. Damn, today we saw about five RKOs in one evening. This is a great ending for the Viper today.

SmackDown 19.01.2024 post image 11SmackDown 19.01.2024: Roman finally signs contract up.

Ranking and Opinion

Another fantastic show! SmackDown has been consistently delivering quality entertainment in recent months, rarely leaving viewers disappointed. We witnessed a variety of exciting moments, including the intense contract signing, the drama-filled KO Show, the emergence of the new group known as The Final Testament, and a thrilling main event. And, of course, we got to see our Tribal Chief, a crucial presence on SmackDown. I'd rate this show a solid 7 out of 10. With the Royal Rumble just around the corner, next week promises to wrap up the current feuds with a bang. Stay tuned and don't miss out :)

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