Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III

Igor Thursday, March 7, 2024 8:30 AM
Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III

Hello, horror fans!

If you're here, I'm sure you've already read Part I and Part II of this franchise, and today we'll discuss the last four films created by New Line Cinema. These currently stand as the final films depicting Jason's adventures, so let's dive in.

Jason Goes to Hell: Last Friday

After the disappointing last few films, Paramount Studios sold the rights to Jason to New Line Cinema. The studio bosses had grand plans for the franchise and some fresh ideas. Honestly, I can say that each film was unique, and overall, they lived up to their promises.

The film starts with an epic chase involving Jason pursuing a captivating FBI agent. However, it turns out to be a trap! The legendary maniac is caught off guard and torn to pieces. Wow, that was an unexpected start. I had never seen Jason completely destroyed before. All that remains is his head and heart, which continue to beat even after his body has been destroyed. It could be called the heart of evil!

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 1Jason goes to Hell: Jason got ambushed by FBI

In the hospital, the local coroner becomes obsessed with Jason's soul and, with a voracious appetite, consumes Voorhees' heart. This leads to a soul transfer, and the maniac resumes his rampage.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 2Jason goes to Hell: coroner got obsessed by Jason's spirit.

At the same time, the head hunter Creighton Duke makes a solemn vow to track down and permanently eliminate Jason, as he alone possesses the knowledge to send Voorhees to hell. In a quaint local burger cafe, he encounters Jason's niece and urgently alerts her to the impending danger. By the way, her name is Jessica, and she is accompanied by her young daughter and an ex-boyfriend who still harbors deep affection for her. His name is Steven, and he is determined to do everything in his power to protect both his child and former partner.

Throughout the journey, we're treated to plenty of entertaining moments; while the movie aims for a serious tone, it often veers into illogical or downright humorous situations. Take, for instance, the scene in prison where Steven encounters Duke. Duke offers him knowledge, but it comes at a price: for every answer he provides, he breaks one of Steven's fingers. It's a bizarre test that proves Steven's readiness to confront Voorhees. Moreover, Duke unveils Jason's ultimate objective. Due to his ability to transfer his soul from one mortal body to another, he cannot linger in one vessel for too long. He must seek out the body of his kin. "From Voorhees, he was born, and through Voorhees, he could be reborn, and only Voorhees can kill him." It's some occultic mumbo jumbo, but the film is rife with such cryptic phrases and references. At the Voorhees estate, the main characters stumble upon the Necronomicon and the Kandarian dagger from the Evil Dead franchise. These artifacts prove crucial in their quest to banish Jason to hell.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 3Jason goes to hell: headhunter Duke.

In the climactic battle scene, Jason finds himself on the brink of defeat. Despite this, he delivers a fatal blow to Jessica, leaving the impression that his reign of terror may continue unchecked. A lingering question arises: why couldn't he simply utilize any available corpse if he only needed a body? Perhaps Jason himself pondered this, as he seizes the opportunity to inhabit Jessica's lifeless form in a desperate bid for resurrection. However, his plans are thwarted when Steven, armed with the dagger, and aided by the incantation, manages to summon the demonic forces necessary to banish Jason to hell. In the film's closing moments, we are finally treated to the fulfillment of a long-awaited promise: Freddy's iconic bladed glove emerges from the earth, claiming Jason's mask, teasing a potential showdown between the two infamous horror icons.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 4Jason goes to hell: demons grab Jason to hell. 

This movie holds a special place for meit was New Line Cinema's initial attempt at reviving the franchise, and I approached it with a mix of excitement and caution. Witnessing Jason's revamped appearance and his unconventional method of soul transmigration left me intrigued yet somewhat apprehensive. The sight of that worm-like creature transferring souls was both fascinating and deeply unsettling.

Throughout the film, I found myself grappling with a range of emotions. While I couldn't help but appreciate the fresh perspective the creators brought to the table, I also couldn't shake a sense of unease at the departure from the series' established formula. The relentless demise of nearly every character, including the downfall of the cocky Duke, served as a stark reminder of the brutal and unforgiving nature of the Friday the 13th universe.

Despite my reservations, I must acknowledge the film's boldness in exploring new territory. It presented a fresh and thought-provoking concept, even if it didn't quite resonate with my personal tastes. Ultimately, while I may not count this movie among my favorites in the franchise, I can't deny its impact in sparking conversation and pushing boundaries within the horror genre.

Jason X

One of my favorite films from New Line Cinema. Previous time Jason gets sent to Hell. But what if we took the story beyond Crystal Lake and even beyond America? What if Jason ended up in space? This storyline would stand apart from the main franchise.

Here's the setup: Jason is captured and imprisoned under Crystal Lake in some kind of high-tech center. The locals try to find a way to kill him once and for all, but all their efforts fail. As usual, the government decides to conduct some special research, ignoring the advice of competent people. The result? Jason breaks free and kills everyone in the facility. Only a cute girl named Rowan LaFontaine survives by freezing Jason in a cryogenic pod. Sadly, she underestimates his strength - just as she's about to seal him in, he slices through the pod's wall with his machete. The cryogenic fluids freeze them both alive.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 5Jason X: frozen Jason discovered by scientific group.

The next scene introduces us to a peculiar group of young people clad in futuristic attire. It becomes evident in short order that they are modern-day explorers who have stumbled upon this facility. They inadvertently open the frozen chamber and retrieve Jason and his young victim aboard their starship. In a twist of fate, one of the students loses a hand to Jason, but such injuries are easily remedied in the technologically advanced world of 2455. Supervised by Professor Brandon Lowe and his skilled medical team, Rowan is successfully revived. However, their attempts to resurrect Jason prove disastrous, unleashing the undead killer upon the security team. Despite nearly four centuries of technological advancement, humans are unable to devise weapons capable of subduing this ancient menace.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 6Jason X: beautify and dangerous Kay-Em. 

Lowe harbors grand ambitions of transporting Jason to Earth 2 for profit, capitalizing on the legend of the infamous killer. However, his plans are abruptly halted when Voorhees claims the life of the doctor with his trusty machete. The only entity capable of standing against Jason is Kay-Em 14, an android crafted by the talented technician Tsunaron Peyton. Equipped with upgraded combat protocols and weaponry, Kay-Em engages in an epic battle with Jason, managing to defeat him and severing half of his body in the process.

However, the students opt not to finish what they started, inadvertently granting Jason the opportunity to rise once more. Remarkably, medical nanobots reconstruct Jason's body, transforming him into a hybrid killing machine part human, part metal a veritable Terminator of Crystal Lake.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 7Jason X: new look after reincarnation.

In a race against time, most of the crew are obliterated, leaving the remaining survivors to flee aboard a passing spaceship. Unfortunately, Jason's relentless pursuit spells doom for both vessels. Yet, in a final act of heroism, Sergeant Brodski sacrifices himself, igniting an explosion that consumes both him and Jason in the atmosphere.

Phew, that film was quite the ride! The new location and timeline injected a fresh dose of excitement into the franchise, offering something entirely new to sink our teeth into. I particularly appreciated seeing Jason return to his classic form it brought a sense of nostalgia and familiarity that I found satisfying.

While the storyline may not have been the most intricate or groundbreaking, it was undeniably easy to follow and didn't leave me feeling disappointed. Personally, I was drawn to the metal-infused appearance of cyborg Voorhees. It exuded a brutal and menacing vibe, perfectly befitting a killer from the future. All in all, it was an enjoyable watch that left a positive impression on me.


Freddy vs Jason

The long-awaited crossover between two legendary killers had been on the cards for nearly two decades. When New Line secured the rights to both iconic figures, development began in earnest. I had high hopes for this movie, and I'm pleased to say it didn't disappoint.

The story kicks off with Jason's resurrection near Crystal Lake. It seems this movie follows directly after "Jason Goes to Hell" and disregards "Jason X". Meanwhile, Freddy Krueger is all but forgotten on Elm Street and in Springwood at large. However, Freddy devises a cunning plan: send Jason to Springwood to sow terror in the city, hoping to jog people's memories of him. After all, a dream demon can't wreak havoc if no one remembers him.

Jason's initial rampage is nothing short of massive. His kills are brutal, violent, and downright spectacular. One particularly gruesome scene involves him slashing a guy in bed with a machete about ten times before folding the body like a burrito, using the bed as bread. With each kill, whispers of Freddy's name begin to circulate among the populace. The demon grows stronger, even attempting to kill someone on his own, but he still lacks sufficient power.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 8Jason vs Freddy: bed burrito.

Meanwhile, two patients from the madhouse, Mark Davis and Will Rollins, catch wind of the strange occurrences in Springwood. Determined to confront Freddy, they plan their escape from the hospital and return to their hometown. Their first stop? The school: a questionable choice, but it serves its purpose.

On the same night, students gather for a raucous party in a cornfield. And what's a party without a big superstar? Jason decides to fill that role, making quite the entrance. Despite being doused in alcohol and set on fire with torches, the onslaught only serves to enrage the maniac further. He descends upon the students like lambs to the slaughter, leaving rivers of blood in his wake and many unable to return home.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 9Jason vs Freddy: girls are looking for troubles.

Freddy, furious at being upstaged, gathers just enough strength to claim a few kills of his own. But Jason steals some of his thunder, prompting Freddy to take matters into his own hands. He sets a trap in the hospital, where the main characters are attempting to hide and obtain Hynocil a drug capable of blocking any dream and safeguarding against Freddy's attacks. In a critical moment, Krueger seizes control of one of the students and administers a massive dose of sleeping pills directly into Jason's neck, hoping to put an end to the unstoppable killer once and for all.

The final episode thrusts us into Voorhees's mind, where he engages in a relentless battle with Freddy across both dream and reality. Despite facing considerable challenges, Freddy manages to pinpoint Jason's weakness - water. However, the students are clever enough to realize that only Jason can ultimately defeat Freddy and put an end to the nightmare.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 10Jason vs Freddy: legendary meeting of two maniacs.

Lori Campbell bravely enters the dream world to confront the maniacs, somehow managing to pull Freddy from her dream into the real world by grasping his hand as she wakes up. And waiting for them is Jason, ready for a showdown with a worthy opponent.

The ensuing battle is nothing short of bloody and violent. It's exhilarating to witness Jason endure Freddy's relentless onslaught, steadfastly refusing to yield to the damage Krueger attempts to inflict. In the final moments, Freddy nearly emerges victorious, severing Jason's fingers and gouging out his eyes. However, a well-timed distraction by Lori provides Jason with the opportunity he needs to seize Freddy's hand and impale him with it.

As the dust settles, we're left with two survivors and Jason emerging from the water, holding Freddy's head triumphantly in his hand. It's a fitting end to an epic battle between two iconic horror figures. Or not?

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 11Jason vs Freddy: Jason after battle with Krueger.

That movie was truly massive and epic, featuring fast-paced action, compelling characters, and intense murder scenes. Fans, myself included, were thoroughly satisfied, and the box office performance reflects its success, especially considering its budget. Personally, I consider this my favorite film in the franchise. It delivered everything I could have hoped for, and more. It's just a shame we haven't yet had the opportunity to witness other legendary confrontations between Jason and other iconic villains. Here's hoping for more thrilling crossovers and unforgettable battles in the future!

Friday the 13th (2009) 

It was only a matter of time before the big bosses decided to reboot the franchise from scratch. Following the success of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," the creators of "Friday the 13th" sought to emulate its formula a fresh take on the legendary killer and the beginnings of his story.

The story begins in a classic manner with the brutal killing of Pamela Voorhees. A young Jason witnesses the tragedy, setting the stage for the next twenty years of his life, spent living in the abandoned Crystal Lake camp left desolate after a devastating fire.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 12Friday the 13th (2009) - first machete kill.

In traditional "Friday the 13th" fashion, about halfway through the movie, the characters and main storyline are introduced, leading up to Jason's eventual emergence. However, in this film, the action begins right from the start. A group of young people, a staple of the franchise, arrives in the Crystal Lake area for a camping trip and to harvest some beautiful marijuana.

As night falls, the group engages in the classic activities of making love and exploring the woods. It's at this moment that our favorite big guy makes his appearance. Towering, muscular, and armed with a machete and throwing knives, he strikes with style and pure violence, leaving a trail of death in his wake. However, he's missing his iconic hockey mask, instead opting for a white bag or some other makeshift disguise to hide his face.

With chilling efficiency, he dispatches everyone in his path decapitating one, roasting another in a sleeping bag over the campfire, and inexplicably kidnapping a girl named Whitney. His reason? She bears a striking resemblance to his mother in her youth.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 13Friday the 13th (2009) - Trent and his friends.

That was quite the dynamic and fast-paced start, so let's dive into the main storyline. We're introduced to another group of young people making their way to Crystal Lake for a holiday getaway. Among them are several pairs and some singles, but I particularly liked the dynamic duo of Chewie and Lawrence an Asian boy and his Black friend with a great sense of humor. Then there's Trent and his lady, Jenna. Trent comes off as a rich jerk, and Jenna seems to be with him solely for his money. Their stark differences make me wonder how they even ended up together. But their lack of loyalty to each other becomes apparent, and their breakup feels inevitable.

Enter our main hero, Clay Miller, who's on a mission to find his sister, Whitney - yes, the same girl who was kidnapped by Jason. From the get-go, there's tension between Clay and Trent, leading to conflicts. But that doesn't stop Clay from driving to Trent's house and, accompanied by Jenna, venturing into the woods to search for his sister. Of course, Trent is livid, and his reaction is to cheat on Jenna with Bree, another girl who's willing to exchange her body for money without hesitation.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 14Friday the 13th (2009) - Jason first time appears.

At the same time, Jason pays a visit to an old sawmill. He dispatches a local junkie and makes his way to the attic, where he discovers a hockey mask that suits him perfectly. I must say, in this film, Jason looks truly formidable and dangerous. He moves swiftly and hardly relies on teleportation. His physical prowess makes him a deadly killing machine. With brutal efficiency, he takes out two youngsters on the lake, shooting one and fatally stabbing another with his machete. Jenna and Clay stumble upon the camp and quickly retreat to call the police. Meanwhile, Jason ambushes Chewie in the barn, a sad end after their earlier dialogue. Lawrence manages to wound Jason's leg before nearly escaping, but Jason's mastery of axe throwing proves lethal, sniping Lawrence from over 20 meters away. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason were invited to join the Olympic athletic team. Despite the young people's efforts to call the police, Jason sneaks into the house and eliminates Bree, followed by the police officer, in stylish killing scenes. The last three survivors flee the house Jenna and Clay heading back to Jason's lair, while Trent heads into the woods. I must admit, I had no love for Trent, and I was disappointed when he nearly escaped, but Jason doesn't let the jerk survive.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 15Friday the 13th (2009) - when killer knocks in your door.

In the final confrontation, Clay, Jenna, and Whitney are on the verge of escaping the camp. It appeared they would all make it out unscathed until Jason unexpectedly plunges his machete into Jenna an OMG moment indeed. Like you, I anticipated Clay's demise or the accidental harm of his sister, but fate had a different plan, claiming Jenna instead.

The climactic battle unfolds in the sawmill we glimpsed earlier in the film. Through teamwork and utilizing Jason's mother's necklace, Clay and Whitney ensnare Voorhees's head in a malevolent wood-crushing device, ultimately driving a machete into his chest. At dawn, they cast his body, mask, and weapon into Crystal Lake a seemingly melancholic conclusion for the remake. But wait! Just before the end credits roll, as Jason's mask sinks into the depths, he abruptly springs back to life, snatching Whitney. I'm certain Clay met a similar fate.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 16Friday the 13th (2009) - death stalks near.

That remake was indeed a solid and action-packed film. Personally, I found the new portrayal of Jason to be just as cool and captivating as in the classic movies. The authors injected a dynamic energy into the character, making him less mysterious and more humanized. Despite being vulnerable to being spotted, injured, or even killed, his inherent strength, survival instincts, and perhaps a strong regenerative ability helped him endure the night. As for the other characters, many of them were somewhat one-dimensional. Clay fit the standard hero archetype, Trent was the typical jerk, and Jenna lacked a distinct personality. The rest of the characters had limited screen time, making it difficult to fully understand their identities. However, in a movie like this, character depth often takes a backseat to the spectacle of the murder scenes and the introduction of new killing methods and tools.

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 17Friday the 13th (2009) - last attempt to kill Jason.

Visually, the film was stunning, with impressive graphics that kept viewers engaged throughout. Its significant box office success, grossing $92 million against a relatively modest budget of $19 million, speaks to its popularity among audiences. While critics may have given it low ratings, I, like you, am not a professional critic, and I found the film to be enjoyable, easy to watch, and free of any lower back pain-inducing moments.

It's unfortunate that the studio's attempts to produce future films were thwarted by various circumstances. However, the rumors circulating about Paramount Studios considering a fresh start in 2024, with a potential plot already in the works, are exciting news indeed! I look forward to sharing any updates with you in the future! :)

Congratulations on completing the journey to the Crystal Lake!

Friday the 13th: Legend from Crystal lake. Part III post image 18Jason and his mother waiting for new victims in upcoming films.

Well, it's a tough question to answer impartially, especially considering the films hold a special place in my heart. However, I'd recommend giving "Friday the 13th" a shot in 2024, especially if you're new to the series. The classic chapters have a unique atmosphere and shooting style that's worth experiencing. If old movies aren't your thing, you can opt for the New Line Cinema films they look good, the special effects won't make your eyes bleed, and the killing scenes are top-notch.

Gather your favorite snacks, drinks, and friends or loved ones, dim the lights, and start watching. My girlfriend and I followed this ritual, and even though she'd never seen the films before, she enjoyed them. There's a good mix of scary and funny moments, making them perfect for a cozy movie night before bed.

Thank you all for your attention, and I hope I've helped you understand "Friday the 13th" a bit better. Stay tuned for my next review! Don't miss it. See you soon!



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