World of Tanks: Lunar New Year 2024

Igor Friday, February 9, 2024 8:31 AM
World of Tanks: Lunar New Year 2024

Hello Commanders!

Chinese New Year has arrived, and we have a delightful event in our favorite game. From the 8th to the 14th of February, you will have the opportunity to take part in this celebration. As the official World of Tanks website announces, you will have a chain of simple quests to complete and earn rewards: 2D and 3D styles, various Personal Reserves, a day of Premium Account, and the main prize, the IS-2M, a level 7 premium tank. Personally, I prefer to receive Personal Reserves and different styles because the IS-2M is not a dream tank for me. Do you play at level 7? Share in the comments.

That was the first part of this celebration. The second part is the classic Draconian Chests. There is no clear information about rewards on the official website, but I still found it. Opening chests will bring you credits, Personal Reserves, Crew Books, Styles, days of Premium accounts, and, most interestingly, premium tanks. You will receive a guaranteed tank of level 8 or 9 after opening 50 chests. It could be received earlier, but I'll be honest with you, Wargaming will make you buy 50 chests. Yesterday, I opened 25 chests and still no tank. Just for information, maybe you will be luckier than me.

Here is the list of tanks you may get and my commentary on that:

  1. 1) Miel - a new 3D style for the classic Bourrasque. One of the strongest premium tanks for skillful players. Sometimes Bourrasque could be bought in the Premium shop, so 50 chests for a unique style is too greedy.

    World of Tanks: Lunar New Year post image 1Lunar New Year reward - Miel

  2. 2) Object 590 - a new Soviet tank for this game. As I understood it, it is the first tank with an autoreloading mechanism. The closest similar tank is Object 752. More or less, these two tanks should have a similar game style. I think using premium shells will get the job done.

    World of Tanks: Lunar New Year post image 2Lunar New Year Reward - Object 590

  3. 3) Gonsalo - a visual clone of Caliban, but visually their similarity ends. Most players have no idea that Gonsalo has a classic cannon without any magazine or autoreloading. For me, that premium tank is much more comfortable and fun to play, so if I could get it, I would gladly try it on the battlefield.

    World of Tanks: Lunar New Year post image 3Lunar New Year Reward - Gonsalo 

  4. 4) CS-52 LIS - quite an old tank for WoT. A good machine for farming and skillful players. Personally, I don't really want to get it.

    World of Tanks: Lunar New Year post image 4Lunar New Year Reward - CS-52 LIS

  5. 5) VK 75.01 (K) - a heavy and armored tank with a strong alpha strike. To be honest, this tank doesn't have much armor, and the cooldown between shots is infinitely long. It could add to my collection but is not the dream tank for farming.

    World of Tanks: Lunar New Year post image 5

    Lunar New Year Reward - VK 75.01 (K)

  6. 6) Turtle Mk. I - one of my personal favorites. After the latest upgrade, this machine is just insanely good. More or less fast, insane damage per minute, armor in some places, and good farming on common shells. If I didn't have it in my garage, I would gladly receive it from boxes.

    World of Tanks: Lunar New Year post image 6

    Lunar New Year Reward - Turtle Mk. I

This short event is pretty good and you may receive interesting machines and plenty of different Personal Reserves and Crew Books.


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