Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1

Igor Wednesday, January 17, 2024 11:48 AM
Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1

It happened in 2003. The movie had a dramatic advertising campaign, a well-crafted trailer, and it evoked a mix of fear and excitement when my eyes first laid on her - Kate Beckinsale. Since then, she became my ideal woman. But that's a completely different story.

Yesterday, I finished watching the entire Underworld franchise and can now compare my feelings from 20 years ago to what I experienced in the past few days. Moreover, I'll share my opinion: Is Underworld still good in 2024, or is it better left in history?

What was it all about?

In the early 2000s, there weren't many exciting horror movies. Most had primitive visual effects or ordinary plots. The trailer for Underworld blew my mind, and I was excited to see it for myself. The theme of vampires and werewolves had always been interesting to me. Moreover, the creators promised to show us an epic story of the confrontation between these two supernatural forces. The main role was played by Kate Beckinsale, and they crafted an elegant costume for her character. With her beauty and grace, Selene became one of the sexiest and hottest ladies on the big screen. Of course, that's just my opinion, but I'm sure you won't argue with me on this question :)

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 1Underworld. Hunting scene for Selene.

So, what is the storyline? Vampires and Lycans (werewolves) have been at war for 500 years, and vampires took the upper hand when the leader of the werewolves, Lucian, was killed by Kraven, the current temporary steward of the vampire coven. Selene, an elite vampire assassin, takes part in hunting several Lycan species and witnesses Lucian himself. Through her investigation, Selene discovers that the werewolves are searching for a human named Michael Corvin. Viktor, the vampire leader awakened by Selene, initially can't believe that Michael could unite both species and become a hybrid.

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 2Underworld. Lucian's appearance.

As Selene investigates further, she discovers that Michael can indeed become a hybrid. Vampire leader Viktor, who is obsessed with pure blood, wants to send her daughter to trial but eventually trusts Selene. The vampire clan starts a massive invasion of the werewolves' territory. At the same time, Selene falls in love with Corvin and wants to protect him. Lucian bites Michael, turning him into a werewolf. Viktor, furious about impure blood, tries to kill the hybrid. In a last moment, Selene bites Michael and saves his life by turning him into something new. Together, they stop the tyrant and go on the run from both clans.

Two classic sequels

Since the first film was successful, the studio immediately decided to create a sequel with Selene and Michael as the main heroes, introducing another vampire elder, Markus. In Underworld Evolution, the authors put even more emphasis on Kate's character. The bed scene, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful and intense in modern movies. Both actors showed us the true strength of love and passion. As I already mentioned, Kate in these films was a dream lady for me and millions of men. Love her. During the storyline, we learn that Markus was the First Vampire, and Viktor was the first man who turned to the dark side.

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 3Underworld Evolution. Markus.

Markus also had a brother, William, the first werewolf. During the action, Markus desperately tries to find and unleash his brother. Sadly, I didn't get the motivation for this and what should happen after that. Also, we are introduced to their father, Alexander Corvinus. Sadly, he was weak and let Markus kill him. In the final battle, Selene and Michael were able to kill both brothers and secure victory.

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 4Underworld Evolution. Selene and Michael.

The studio had plans to continue creating films about their successful pair, but Scott Speedman decided not to take part in future films. This decision disrupted plans, so producers decided to make a prequel about Lucian. Underworld: Rise of the Lycans told us why Lucian started his war with Viktor. Also, we met his own daughter, Sonja, who looks very similar to Selene. That is why Viktor spares her life and makes her a vampire. Werewolves were slaves of vampires, and none of them could trasnforme back into human form. Lucian was born in prison and was the first to retain his human form and could turn back after transformation. After decades, Lucian and Sonja secretly love each other, and this connection costs them their lives. Viktor found out that his blood and flesh were pregnant, and the first hybrid could be born. The vampire lord could not let this happen and burned his own daughter in the sunlight. The first Lycan took revenge on his nemesis, and the vampire's castle was captured, and Viktor, Markus, and several loyal vampires sailed away.

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 5Underworld: Rise of the Lycans. Viktor.

Is the classic trilogy worth your time?

Well, I cannot give you a certain answer to this complicated question. On one hand, we have Kate Beckinsale, who was just amazing in these leather clothes and showed us pretty good acting. The films have good action, pleasant graphics, and special effects. The cheerful musical accompaniment adds drive and interest in action scenes. Simply good-looking musical tracks. We are watching a good story about an ancient confrontation. In every film, we have some kind of a final boss, a vampire lord who will stand against the main characters of the movie. In Rise of the Lycans, Bill Nighy, who takes Viktor's role, made me mad with his actions and decisions, and that was cool, hating a character who really messed all his own plans and accused surrounding people. Authors also gave us the hybrid of a werewolf and a vampire, but sadly, this film aspect wasn't shown in the way I would like to see it. I have an impression that Michael was added just in case, and his role in the plot is not as significant as Selene.

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 6Underworld. Selene chases the Lycans.

On the other hand, after the first two parts, we have so many questions about the past, and I was interested to see the time period when Lucian faked his death. Why, when, and how vampires could take the upper hand after a dramatic defeat in the first war. Markus, as the first vampire, was killed too easily by the common vampire; despite drinking Alexander's blood, she could not get as strong as an ancient vampire. His death and the stupid death of his brother left me disappointed. Generally, characters made illogical decisions, and in many cases, they forgot about their extra abilities when it could save their lives. Vampires are shown almost as common people who need to breathe, could die from cold, and need mortal weapons to protect themselves. Lycans can transform, but these transformations are made likely as accidents, without any logic and sense, making werewolves also use human weapons to stand against night hunters. The love story between Corvin Selene also grows from nothing. In the first part of the film, she wanted to kill him, and 15 minutes later, they are already kissing each other with passion, and she tried to do everything to protect him. I see a lack of motivation, like the film director just wanted his characters to love each other. How and why weren't so important. Most questions caused the third film, especially Viktor's motivation. He is an evil guy just because he liked to do badass actions, which have almost no reasons. A typical villain who can't stop himself from doing different controversial actions.

Underworld : How is feel in 2024? Part 1 post image 7Underworld Evolution. Selene and Lycan guard battle.

So if you ask me, "Could you recommend these films to watch?" I gladly say yes. At least the first three of them. We have a good start, a sequel that makes a step forward and gives us new characters and answers to some questions. We have a prequel, and we fully understand why Lycans hate vampires and why this conflict was escalated for so long. Eventually, I know not many good films about vampires and their wars with other monsters, so I guess you should give a chance to Underworld. Kate asked you for that opportunity to steal your hearts :)

In the next chapter, I will share with you my opinion about the last two films of this franchise and help you make a decision about watching these movies. That is all for today, guys. Watch good films and don't miss. See you quite soon.

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