Hackers stole Insomniac's plans

Igor Wednesday, December 27, 2023 9:27 AM
Hackers stole Insomniac's plans

Hello folks

Some hakkers resently stole Insomniac games studio planes on future releses and upcoming planes. There are tonnes of information and I will share with you some of them:

1) Scenrio and different files about Marvel's Wolverine

2) New Rathet and Clank game

3) Finacial reports about game sales and profits

4) Consept of multiplayer Horizon zero Dawn 

5) Marvel's Venom

As we now know, Marvel's Wolverine is planned for release not in 2024 but in 2026 – sad news for fans of Logan. On the flip side, there's yet to be an official announcement for Marvel's Venom, but it might see the light of day in 2025. The third installment for Spider-Man is expected in 2028, a new Ratchet and Clank game in 2029, and an enigmatic game centered around X-Men is slated for 2030.

Personally, as a PC player, what's more important to me is the imminent porting of Marvel's Spider-Man 2, Marvel's Wolverine, and Marvel's Spider-Man 3 to the personal computer platform.

Marvel's Wolverine will revolve around Logan and his beloved Jean Grey as they strive to thwart the nefarious plans of Mr. Sinister. Players can anticipate encounters with various popular X-Men and their adversaries.

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In the case of Marvel's Venom, details are scant. It's projected to be a relatively short game, clocking in at about 10 hours of gameplay. The plot picks up right after Spider-Man 2, serving as a bridge between the second and third Spider-Man chapters, with Carnage as the primary nemesis.

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The intriguing aspect lies in how this data leak might prompt changes to Insomniac's plans. What this shift might bring for us and what we're set to witness in the near future remains to be seen.

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