Marvel's Wolverine takes place same universe with Spider man 2

Igor Tuesday, October 31, 2023 1:07 PM
Marvel's Wolverine takes place same universe with Spider man 2

It's intriguing to learn that Insomniac Studios has confirmed Marvel's Wolverine will be part of the same universe as the recently released Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Placing the story in the 1048 Spider-Verse universe adds an extra layer of interest for fans. The possibility of a crossover between these iconic heroes if Wolverine is as successful as Spider-Man is an exciting prospect.

As of now, information about the game is limited, and Insomniac Studios seems adept at keeping their secrets. The only confirmed detail is that Marvel's Wolverine is slated for release on Playstation 5 sometime in the future, expected in 2024. 

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